To ensure that your research publication is discoverable and acknowledged so don't forget to include Barwon Health in your organisation affiliation.
Your publication can then be included in the New Publications Newsletter, and the annual Barwon Health Research publications list
Contact the library if you would like any further information on any of the topics mentioned below
Preparing the manuscript and submitting to the publishers is the first step of publishing journey
BMJ Case Reports delivers peer-reviewed cases in all disciplines so you can easily find clinically important information on common and rare conditions.
For more information contact us
ORCID is a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher. It supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring your work is recognised and discoverable.
Who is an author and why is it important?
Authorship confers credit and has important academic and financial implementations. It implies responsibility and accountability for the published work
More detail on author definition can be found on the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors site
Citing & Referencing Guide (Monash University) - More info...
Re:cite (Melbourne University)- More info...
Copyright protects the expression of an idea
It is important to read the publishing instructions/contract so that you understand the consequences of what you are signing as copyright owners control the right to reproduce, publish, communicate, modify that work
Helpful information on negotiating publishing contracts can be found on the SPARC Consortium site