The Copyright Act 1968 (Commonwealth) provides the legislative framework for the creation, copying and communication of electronic and print material at Barwon Health. All Barwon Health staff and students must comply with the Act.
Copyright owners are entitled to take legal action against persons who infringe their copyright. A reproduction of material that is protected by copyright may be a copyright infringement.
Copyright applies when:
Just because the material is freely available, does not necessarily mean it is free to use.
You must always acknowledge any copyright material that you use. The attribution must be clear and reasonably prominent
Use of copyright material for research or study will not break copyright rules, provided that the use is ‘fair’.
You Can use copyright material:
You Cannot:
Fair Dealing
NOTE: Fair dealing provisions cannot be used to make multiple copies of items and distribute or communicate that material to others.
This is not a copyright activity because you are not actually 'copying' or reproducing any material when you provide a link, you are simply providing a path to the material’s location.
This is done by supplying the URL link to the material, not the material itself.
Copyright Categories
There are 3 main copyright categories to consider when using or wanting to reproduce materials:
Reminder: Using the images in the public domain and Creative Commons doesn’t require copyright permission or a fee, but you should always cite the source of the image and its owner.
Further Information
Australian Copyright Council's information sheets:
Fair Dealing: What Can I use without Permission
Internet: Copying & Downloading
An Introduction to Copyright in Australia
Creative Commons Australia Information
If you require further information please contact the library on (03) 4215 0478
Information on copyright provided by the Library does not constitute legal advice