Are you looking for evidence to support best practice in keeping with the Australian National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards? These searches have been developed, tested and endorsed as part of the HeLiNS (Health Libraries for the National Standards) Research Project, a joint initiative of HLA and HLI (Health Libraries Inc).
About the searches:
These Pubmed live searches provide up to date results for 11 topics aligned to the NSQHS standards
Aimed at clinicians working in Australian hospitals who wish to find evidence to support best practice in line with the NSQHS standards
The searches target information on 12 topics of relevance to best practice in Australian hospital settings. They have been designed for this purpose and are NOT intended to be comprehensive. They aim to provide high specificity (relevance) so that results returned will be of immediate use. The base search for each topic focuses on a hospital setting and is limited to the last 5 years
Book a Consultation with a librarian for further help with your literature searching.
Partnering with Consumers |
Preventing and controlling health care associated infections |
Medication Safety |
Comprehensive care |
Communicating for safety |
Blood management |
Recognising and responding to acute deterioration |