Have you ever been frustrated by a paywall on a publisher website?
Been irritated by the number of clicks to check for full text in Google Scholar, PubMed, or on a publisher's webpage?
Install LibKey Nomad for Instant Full Text.
LibKey Nomad will instantly check for full text availability from the library and present you with the single best and fastest link to download the PDF, view the article, or request it from the library if it is not immediately available.
Simply visit www.libkeynomad.com to get started!
Installation takes 10-20 seconds. Download Nomad here to get started right now: www.libkeynomad.com
1. Click on the logo below and choose your browser from the list at the bottom of the page
2. Click 'Add to" or "Get" button and then the "Add extension" button
3. Select 'Barwon Health Library' from the list of institutions.
4. Libkey Nomad is now installed and ready for searching
Use LibKey Nomad to access full-text in PubMed
LibKey Nomad provides a fast and simple way to access Barwon Health Library full-text when searching PubMed
Once installed, select Barwon Health Library as your organisation and you're good to go. Works both on- and off-site (a Library Membership account is required for off-site use).
Enable the LibKey Nomad browser extension and you will be able to quickly and easily link to full text using the blue "Article Link" or "Download PDF" buttons.