When searching for information you can use either keywords or subject headings in your search strategy.
By using them in the correct way you are able to perform better searches with better results
What are they?
Which should I use?
The operators for database searching are: AND, OR, and NOT, known as Boolean operators which allow you to try different combinations of search terms or subject headings.
Databases often show Boolean operators as buttons or drop-down menus that you can click to combine your search terms or results.
AND: AND combines search terms to retrieve articles that include all of the concepts of a search. The use of AND reduces the number of search results
OR: OR combines search terms to retrieve articles that use any of the terms you are looking for. The use of OR increases the number of search results.
NOT: NOT excludes terms from the set of search results
Phrase Searching
Proximity Searching
Wild Cards
The library staff are able to help and advise you on all of your literature searching needs so please don't hesitate to contact us
Book a Consultation with a librarian for further help with your literature searching.
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