When you are considering which resources to use there are several criteria that you should check to verify that the resources or information are credible
The main points to take into consideration are is it from a reputable source, is it relevant, is it up to date, and is it at an appropriate level for your needs?
The CRAAP Test was developed by Sarah Blakeslee of California State University as an easy to remember acronym that provides a set of criteria that can help you decide if a resource is credible.
Sarah Blakeslee, (2004) “The CRAAP Test,” LOEX Quarterly 31, no. 3
Applying the CRAAP Test. California State University-Chico. accessed 28th June 2021
- Currency: Timeliness of the information
- Relevance: Importance of the information for your needs
- Authority: Source of the information
- Accuracy: Reliability, truthfulness, and correctness of the content
- Purpose: the reason the information exists